
The President is the principal executive officer of the Howard University Alumni Association (HUAA) and presides over all meetings of the Board of Directors and general meetings. The President and Officers are responsible for upholding the HUAA mission, strategic goals, and objectives to members of the HUAA board and constituent units as well as inspiring and motivating all members to help increase engagement, financial support and volunteerism.

Regional Chairs & Representatives serve as the hands-on active link between the region they serve and the HUAA Board. Regional Directors serve as mentors and offer guidance to local club presidents and make recommendations to the HUAA Board on how to support the local clubs in their efforts to to help the Howard succeed in each region.

The Immediate Past President supports the HUAA Board and performs duties requested by the President of the Board of Directors.

Please send all correspondence for Officers, Regional Chairs and Representatives to:

Howard University Alumni Association
1851 9th Street NW, 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20001

HUAA Elected Officers

Headshot of Kandace Harris


Kandace Harris


Headshot of Tamara Howard

Vice President of Administration

Tamara Howard


Headshot of Jamaal Edwards

Vice President of Finance

Jamaal Edwards


Headshot of Kelli Jones

Vice President of Membership & Engagement

Kelli Jones


Headshot of A'Donna Corbin Cooper

Recording Secretary

A'Donna Corbin Cooper


Headshot of Bilal Badruddin

Executive Secretary

Bilal S. Badruddin


Headshot of Bryndan D Moore

Member at Large

Bryndan D. Moore


Headshot of Melissa Estrado

Region I Chair

Melissa Estrado


Headshot of Trina Williams Cobb

Region II Chair

Trina Williams Cobb


Portrait of Karen Eccles Shropshire

Region III Chair

Karen Shropshire


Headshot of Vicki Walton

Region IV Chair

Vicki Walton


Headshot of Jonna LaGrone-Haynes

Region V Chair

Jonna LaGrone-Haynes


Headshot of Rhonda Nolen

Region VI Chair

Rhonda Nolen


Headshot For Cheryl Queen (Chair Region VII)

Region VII Chair

Cheryl Queen


Bison Logo

Region VII Rep

Demonica Tuggles

Bison Logo

Region VII Rep

Jasalynne Northcross

Cheryl Benson headshot


Cheryl Benson


Headshot of Evie Tobias

Public Relations

Evie Tobias

Headshot of Lisa Robinson

Scholarship Committee Chair

Lisa Robinson

Bison Logo

Student Member of AC

Nia Taylor, Undergrad-HUSA President


Bison Logo

Student Member of AC

Jennifer Early, President of Graduate Student Council


Regional Representatives

Region I

Representative #1

  • Shellece Jeannette Earles
  • shellece72@msn.com

Representative #2

  • Vacant

Representative #3

  • Vacant

Region II

Representative #1

  • Marie Young
  • mlyoung99@gmail.com 

Representative #2

  • Amber Mayes
  • amber.n.mayes@gmail.com

Region III

Representative #1

  • Cheryl Gill Riley
  • cherylgillriley@gmail.com

Representative #2

  • Adrienne Bolden
  • abolden@leveragemiami.com

Representative #3

  • Vacant

Region IV

Representative #1

  • Del Dobbs
  • grettathegreat@yahoo.com

Representative #2

  • Jarrah Hamer
  • jarrahmhamer@gmail.com

Representative #3

  • Tony Hutchins
  • arhutchinsesq@gmail.com

Region V

Representative #1

  • A'Donna Corbin
  • mcadonna@gmail.com

Representative #2

  • Lalla Morris
  • lallamorrisbills@gmail.com

Representative #3

  • Vacant

Region VI

Representative #1

  • Jerome Greene
  • jerome.greene@jg-wm.com

Representative #2

  • Chris Cathcart
  • chrisonedg@gmail.com

Representative #3

  • Rhonda Nolen
  • huaalasvegas@gmail.com

Region VII

Representative #1

  • Kendra Driggins
  • kendradriggins@yahoo.com

Representative #2

  • Caprice Troupe
  • luvlylocs21@yahoo.com

Representative #3

  • Cheryl Queen
  • cherylqueen@aol.com


Past Presidents

Title Name E-mail
Past President 2016-2020 Nadia Pinto region5chair@thehuaa.org
Past President 2012-2016 Christopher Washington thelegendarychriswashington@verizon.net
Past President 2008 – 2012 Kimberly C. Singleton singletonk@alum.howard.edu
Past President 2000-2004 Anita D. Mayo, Esq. anita.mayo@pillsburylaw.com
Past President 1996-2000 Candice E. Jacko jaccando@gmail.com
Past President 1992-1996 Helen Kinard Scott hkinard@aol.com
Past President 1984 – 1988 Jean W. Humphre humphreyceds@aol.com