Beyond the Yard- Feature Story Summer Issue 2024
New 2024-26 HUAA Officers elected
Congratulations to the newly elected Howard University Alumni Association officers for 2024–26. President Kandace Harris, PhD, was re-elected to a second term. The new alumni administration begins its term July 1. Leaders include:
- Tamara Howard, vice president for administration
- Kelli Jones, vice president for membership
- Jamaal Edwards, vice president for finance
- A’Donna Corbin Cooper, recording secretary
The Region elected officers are:
- Melissa Estrado, Region I chair
- Trina Williams Cobb, Region II chair
- Karen E. Shropshire, Region III chair
- Vikki Walton, Region IV chair
- Jonna Lagrone-Haynes, Region V chair
- Rhonda Nolen, Region VI chair
- Cheryl Bennett Queen, Region VII chair
Elections were open from April 30 to May 21 and certified accurate by Votenet Solutions Inc.